Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Everyone is making a big deal about this date.  It is pretty unique! I thought it would be nice to personally name 12 things I am grateful for, and then name and claim 12 blessings that I can be to others.

Grateful for:
1. God and my relationship with Him.  I am not sure where I would be without Him.  I would be lost.
2. My family.  I am so grateful that God entrusted Marcelo and I with a daughter.  And that He brought me to Marcelo in the first place.  I am so glad I said yes to that blind date.
3. Health and able body.  Sometimes I take for granted that I can go out and run.  There are many with physical ailments.  I am grateful that I am able bodied and intentionally do what I can to keep it healthy.
4. Food in our pantry.  Sometimes I crave fancy olives and we may not always have fancy foods.. but we have food that will warm us and nourish us, and I am so grateful for that.
5. Friends.  Friends that bless me with trusting me with their thoughts, dreams, and ideas.  Friends that are there for me, and allow our family to mesh with theirs.  
6. Nieces and Nephews.  I consider them my own, there is no distance in my love for them all.
7. My parents and sister. I love them so much.  Sometimes it hurts how much I love them and miss them every single day.  
8. My in laws.  Each of them is special and unique, and I learn so much for them all.  I know that we are loved!
9. The opportunities.  They seem endless.  God gave me a mind that is always thinking, "what's next?" Some ideas fly, others don't.  But I love them all!
10. A home.  I remember as a young girl dreaming of my home.  I remember wanting to paint every room a different color.  I live there now.  And it is warm, and loving, and safe.
11. Our pets.  Puf, Ginny, and Luna.  Each one makes me smile and love them more each day.
12. The many families in my life.  I am so blessed to know so many families in our area.  I love seeing the children growing and prospering.  It is such a blessing.

Blessing others:
1. Kindness.  Extend small and large kindnesses to others every day.  
2. Forgiveness.  Forgive those that hurt without intent.  It only holds me captive.
3. Expectation.  Expect good out of people, not bad.  
4. Love.  Display love with my actions, not just my words.
5. Generosity.  This does not always mean money.  Being generous means giving up my seat, or spot in line.  Holding doors open.
6. Please and thank you.  We teach, and often insist, that our kids should use good manners, and sometimes we often neglect to use them ourselves.
7. Keep my house a home.  Intentionally do the little things that keep our home clean, comfortable, and welcoming.. not just to strangers, but to the people  love the most, my family.
8. Exhale with JOY not ANGER.  I am famous for it.. my deep sighs of frustration.  I want to switch it out for a sign of JOY! JOY that I have clothes to fold, JOY that I have dishes to unload from our WORKING dishwasher.  "Give thanks in all circumstances!"
9. Peace.  My Mom always said, "don't say anything if you have nothing nice to say." Sometimes we hear injustice happening around us.  I am all for standing up for what is right, but sometimes silence, combined with prayer, is even more powerful!
10. Smiles.  They cost nothing, and they feel good! Plus they are contagious!
11. Empathy.  Most times, it's not about me.  It's about the other person, what they are going through, what they are struggling with.  Thinking it's about me, how I did something wrong, is selfish.  Go there, and put myself in their shoes.  How can I be more understanding? How could I help?
12. Prayer.  Pray pray pray without ceasing.  Pray for the crossing guard, the guy that cut me off in the road, the mail delivery person, teachers, co workers, neighbors, our community.  Prayer connects us with God and His will.  

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