Monday, April 27, 2009


I love the way my daughter, Bela uses her imagination. It reminds me of being a kid. I love to see the world through her eyes.

I love the way her mind works.. no siblings to play with? No problem!
She took a big red ball and made it into a new "friend".

Thursday, April 23, 2009


We had a miracle in our family yesterday. My Dad's latest testing showed a slight growth in a mass on one of his kidneys. (He has Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma). So the Dr.'s scheduled an ultrasound on the 22nd.

Dad went in, and they tech did the test, and then brought in another tech to do it again. All the while, keeping Dad in the dark. The bottom line is that the mass is no longer there!

A cat-scan less than 2 weeks ago, showed the mass.. now it is gone!!!!!

Can we all say ANSWER TO PRAYER???

Monday, April 20, 2009

Together we can save babies!

in less than two weeks, I am walking in my 5th March for Babies event. I will be walking 6 miles with my moms group to support the March of Dimes. This year my personal goal is to raise $1000. I am almost halfway there. Can you help me meet my goal?

Thank you for your support! click below to visit my personal fundraising page.

Friday, April 17, 2009

to infinity and beyond!

On Thursday, I took Bela to Kennedy Space Center with our friends Devon and Alex. We had a blast. If you have not been to visit the Center, I highly recommend it.

We did not see everything, but we made a dent. I loved the Tom Hanks produced IMAX movie. It was inspiring.

Space exploration has always been an interest of mine, I love reading about it, learning about it, and seeing films on it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Angel Kisses

Ok, I need help. What in the world are those little red bumps all over me? Some people call them angel kisses. I googled them, and all I found was that it could be caused by high blood pressure.

I took mine today, and it was 107/67. Anyone have a clue what these bumps are? Thank you!

Friday, April 10, 2009


For the past several years, I have been an on and off again walker. I get into a mood, and will start a great walking plan... then I will be gung ho for months. Something will happen to turn it off. Well, I have been walking since the New Year pretty regularly. I had some off weeks, but since Jan. 1 I have walked nearly 65 miles. I am only walking like 6-10 miles a week, but it is a start. I am about to take it up a notch though.

I am planning on training starting in Aug with Team in Training for the Disney 2010 marathon. I will be walking the half. I am doing this in honor of my Dad who has Non Hodgekins Lymphoma.

Every step that I take, I imagine is one step closer to a cure. I will call on my friends and family to help support my cause this Fall.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

A Perfect Day

The weather was perfect. The family was all together. It was a perfect day.

Palm Sunday... Bela sang along with other kids in our church for Palm Sunday. It was so beautiful. They did a wonderful job.

We came home after the late service, and we cleaned house a little while, and then we just enjoyed the sunny Florida weather.

Kite flying, sidewalk chalk, horseshoes, swingset.. and grilled dinner. What could be better?

Ahh, what a perfect day. I love my family!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Check out my other blogs.

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First Blog

OK, So I am not totally new to blogging.. I have been working on a site that allows me to blog for the greater good of moms everywhere (well at least on the Treasure Coast), but this time... this blog is all me! I am really excited.

Even if no one ever reads it.. it will be a place for me to write, vent, dream, and the list goes on and on. Thanks for stopping by!