Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Change in intervals

I started the change last week.. Instead of 2:2's or 3:1's, I switched to 4:2's. Feels good. About minute 3 I feel that my lungs have caught up. I am keeping a 10:40 pace when I jog. My average is about a 12.35 minute mile. Would like to average an 11 min/mile soon.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

See ya 700!

Earlier this week I passed the 700 mile mark for the year! YEA YEA YEA! So happy! I am shooting for 725-750 miles for the year.

Look out 2012... 1000 miles coming right up!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

best 5k time

Just completed my own Feed the Turkey 5k - 40 minutes. which is a PR for me!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


My official time was 3h6m. My Garmin said 3h2m and 13.30 ran. (I paused it to use the ladies room)

I feel like I beat my time!

Still working towards the 700 mile goal for 2011.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Race weekend is here!

It's here! Been training for this for month. The Women's Running Magazine Half Marathon is this Sunday in St Pete's! Really looking forward to this.

My goal is to beat my PR of 3h2m. I would love to do 2h50m or less!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

1 week until race

Did our last team run this morning before the Half next weekend. 5.09 miles in 1h8m. Pretty good for having bronchitis this week. I felt pretty ok today, but def could feel that my lungs have had a work out this week with all the coughing.

I am at 662 miles for the year so far. Have a long way to go to reach the 1000 mile mark. Now my goal is 700. Next year I will hit the 1000 miles.. I will spend some time in Dec coming up with a run/walk/bike schedule to accomplish it.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

570 miles

Just passed the 570 miles mark for this year! Feeling good about it. The breeze has been so nice and cool in the morning.. I actually am really looking forward to going out there to run!

Planning on doing 2 or 3 miles in the morning.. and then resting Fri before our run on Saturday morning.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

500 miles baby!!!!

YES! I finally hit the 500 mile mark this morning! I am behind by about 160 miles, but that is ok. I need to get about 25-30 miles in a week to catch up.. but I can do a lot of them on the bike if need be!

I am just so happy that I made halfway!

Friday, August 26, 2011

36 - you have been so good to me

Today is the last day I will ever be 36 years old. I am embracing this day with all that I have. I am grateful to God for 36 years of love, laughter, and tremendous growth in my Faith.

My devotional today was based on Col 3:10. I encourage others to read it, and really give some thought to what this verse may mean in your life.

The past few years, I know I have grown in my Faith. Faith it trusting and letting go. It is one of the most difficult things we will ever do, but it holds the most rewards.

It is what we were meant to do.

Thank you for reading.. I am sending you all my love.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Time with God

So excited that this week I have been faithful in spending time with God in prayer and devotion. I will admit before now it has been hit or miss with me. That is my fault. But I have been dedicated this week, and it is true.. your day is much better, you feel better, things look and seem brighter when you spend time in reflection and prayer.

I have been using Max Lucado's Grace for the Day. I love this book. What are your favorite ways to spend time with God?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Living up to my nickname

These are busy times! I am living up to my blogger name - happybzymama. I love being active.

This morning, while walking with Marcelo early, I saw a man sitting in his garage, just enjoying the sunset. We waved at him, and exchanged "good morning" greetings.

As we walked past, all I kept thinking was.. "when was the last time I had a day with absolutely no "to-do" list or work on my plate?" I sighed.

Now I am not dumb enough to think that this is not my own doing. Having 3 jobs, and 1 more this fall comes with it's tremendous blessings, but also some tough moments. Last night and today I had so much to do that I found myself not really living in the the moment at all, but rather thinking ahead to what needed to be done next. My mind was actually racing.. like a speedy heartbeat.

So, since this is a very busy time.. I wanted to spend some time meditating on slowing down. I would like to share with you all the thoughts that are helping me find peace in the midst of the hustle and bustle that is our life.

“The possibility is to recognize that all our stories, however complex and multilayered, however deeply implanted in our genetic structure, our only stories. The truth of who you are is not a story. The vastness and the closeness of that truth precedes all stories.”

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pass the 400

Finally made it to 400 miles! Today I am at 407.25! WHOO HOO! Hopefully can reach 500 by mid July!

Monday, June 20, 2011

35 miles to go!

Here I am again. Towards the end of the month, behind on my miles. I have 35 miles to go and just 10 days to squeeze them all in. Yikes. Gotta do this.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Last Sunday Marcelo and I did some Wii Fit.. I made a big boo boo, and did the Wii Free Jog for 10 minutes, barefoot. My calves have not been the same since! Ugh. Did manage to run twice with Wendie this week, and do a few miles with Walk Away the Pounds to stretch my legs.

Not my best idea!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Goal Setting!

Did the Maya Matters 5k with Vickie over the weekend. Was a nice race. Fantastic Cause!!! We beat our last time of 45 minutes with 43m38sec. Hoping to do another 5k this summer. I want to beat a 40 minutes time.

Total miles completed for the year as of today: 332.48 miles

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

See ya 300!

YEA! So happy that I passed the 300 mile mark today! :) WHOO HOO! I am at 301.53 miles for the year so far!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

20+ miles

I am feeling good about my mileage so far this year.. but it kills me that I am behind where I should be. I plan on getting in 20+ miles this week by running, walking, biking. Wish me luck. It's Tuesday morning and I am already at 8.56. I hope to get in another mile or two today.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

See ya 250!

I am at 253 miles! WHOO HOO

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

22 miles in 3 days??

Once again this month, I am behind reaching my 80 miles. I am at 58.16 for April. I ran 1.72 this morning. Hoping to do a 2 mile DVD and maybe a bike ride later to get in some more miles.

Monday, April 18, 2011


226 miles so far this year. I need to step it up this month!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I am at 31.11 miles in April! YEA! Hoping to get to 80 miles this month! I can do it!

Had a great morning walk with Vickie today. Loved being close to the water.. it was a gorgeous day!

Monday, April 4, 2011

New day!

It's a new day. I am so happy that last week I did 20 miles! YEA!
After music classes today I went to Riverside Park and did 3 miles. It was very warm and windy.. but it was great! Hoping to get a bike ride in tonight with Bela. After school we are going to the park to practice the Frisbee! :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I love Sundays! Got up this morning and did 2 miles walking DVD. Hoping to get another mile or two this evening! I am up to 194 miles so far this year!

Friday, April 1, 2011

No foolin around!

YEA! Happy April Fools Day! Did 1 mile walking dvd then 4.15 outdoor run/walk workout! Great way to start off the month!

March totals

My March total was 68.2, my best month yet! My year to date total right now is 187.46!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

65!! WHOO HOO!

Did 4.74 miles with Wendie this morning. Nice and windy, but warm. We ran a little a the beginning, but then just did a nice walking workout. Came home and did a power mile video. 5.74 today total, and that took me to 65 miles so far this month!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I made it to 170 miles yesterday! Whoo hoo! Did 1 mile indoor walk this morning, hoping to do a longer walk midday today after I have a head start story time. :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sooo close!

i ran/walked 2.53 mi this morning. Felt great. Tallyed up my miles for this year, and I am at 169! Soo close to 170! i can do it!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Over the 160 mark

Finally broke past the 160 miles mark. I believe I am at 166 or so. Trying to do a big run on Wednesday. 4+ miles.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sunset Magic

Planned on running this morning after my Head Start Story Time.. but it poured down rain. Instead went out tonight before dinner. Got to see the beautiful sunset!

Tonight: 2.27 miles
Time: 29min

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Quick, fast, and in a hurry!

1.51 miles in 17 min 58 seconds this morning! Staying home with Bela today.. so had to squeeze a quick jog in before Marcelo left for work.

Monday, March 7, 2011


What a beautiful day! Parked at the boardwalk in Vero today and walked/jogged north up A1A. Did 5.23 miles. Nike+GPS app paused a few times again, but it worked itself out.

Had a great time on Saturday at March for Babies. So proud of Bela. She probably walked 5.75 miles! WHOO HOO!

Miles this month: 23.11
Miles so far in 2011: 142.37
Miles to go this year: 857.63

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Ran a few errands after taking Miss B to school. Was hoping to walk/jog with Vickie today, but she had to volunteer at the girls' school. I parked over the first bridge on South Hutchison, and did 5.15 miles in 1h2m. I pushed myself to do more intervals. It felt really good!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March MADness!

Did not have time to get in a jog yesterday. So went out for 3.23 miles today. Did pretty good as far as time (39 min) considering Ginny Mac chased 3 birds, 2 poodles, and 2 cats along the route. Good times.. good times.

My January total: 62.7
My February total: 56.56
March so far: 3.23
Grand total: 122.49 miles in 2011 (so far)

As you can see I am behind. But I plan on making it up!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Miles so far


6.1 miles

On Sunday our family participated in the Fort Pierce CROP Hunger Walk. We did 3 miles together with our Church family, and others in our area. We raised over $1000 for Church World Service.

On Monday, I went over to Charles Park and did 3.1 miles on the trails. I am just not a big trails fan, but it was nice and sunny.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

107 miles plus!

Closing in on the 110 mile mark! WHOO HOO! I am loving this challenge. This morning Ginny Mac and I jogged/walked 2.51 miles in our neighborhood. It was kind of cool and a bit foggy. It was a nice work out.

Looking forward to a Friday run with Cynthia!

Monday, February 21, 2011


YES! Did just 1.66 miles this morning, but finally passed up the 100 mile mark! YEA!

Have decided to dedicate my 1000 mile adventure to Run for Congo Women. Visit my page for more details: http://www.active.com/donate/runforcongowomen/juliedossantos

Thank you all for your support!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sooo close!

Woke up at 4:30 a.m. this morning. Watch a mediocre Jennifer Love Hewitt movie on netflix. Then decided to go out and try to get to my 100 mile mark. I should have really studied harder in Math class. Just entered in my 2.51 miles to the Tall Mom 1000 mile challenge spreadsheet.. and I am at 99.93 miles! UGH! Think I'll get in another mile tonight!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Getting closer!

Did 4.52 miles on Thursdays at Riverside. Then did a 2 mile bike ride with Bela in the afternoon. What a simply beautiful day! I am 95.92 miles so far this year!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So close to my first 100 miles! Hoping to get a bike ride in tonight with Miss B..
Had a great jog/walk this morning with fellow TNT'er Wendie! We did 3.77 miles in 52 minutes. Beautiful sunny morning along the river!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Heart HAPPY Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!! I want to start off by sharing this quote:

"If you must love your neighbor as yourself, it is at least as fair to love yourself as your neighbor." ~Nicholas de Chamfort

We teach our children to love one another. And I agree, it is important. Just don't forget you!

Today on Valentine's Day.. I hope you enjoy all of the traditional pleasures we associate with this special day... love, hugs, kisses, candy, flowers, etc. Just don't forget to do something good for YOU! Like take a walk, run, dance, eat right..

I started my morning off with some yummy oatmeal, then lunch was yogurt and fresh blueberries. Dinner tonight is Brazilian Salpicao.. grilled chicken, ham, rice, green apples. Then of course, dark chocolate for dessert! 3.16 miles today too!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Miles to go..

I committed to run/walk/ride 1000 miles in 2011! I am behind, but not giving up. I have over 80 miles so far this year...

Lost the soreness from the Half on Wednesday, so got 3 miles in. Did 2 miles yesterday with Vickie, rain and all! :)

Hoping to get a jog in this weekend, and maybe some bike time with Bela!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Melbourne Half.. 2 bridges, and other thoughts!

Well I did it! I was able to complete me goal on Sunday of beating my 3h19m Disney Half time at the Melbourne and Beaches Half. My final time was 3h2m.. so I am very proud of that!

But WOW, that second bridge was killer! I felt great while walking the walking/jogging the first one, but by mile 10 or 11 I was experience pain in my calves.

But I met a few inspirational folks along the way that helped me push to the finish line!

The weekend left me with lots of happy feelings of accomplishment, and just one question.. what's next? :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Whoo Hoo!

Did 5 miles yesterday with Vickie, and today did 8.76 with Wendie! WHOO HOO!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's all about the timing...

Had a great 1.5 mile walk/run Monday morning. Tried to beat my time of last Saturday.. and I did. 18m 23sec. :)

Also had a great bike ride with Bela last night!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Moon Moon Moon

Got up at 5:00 a.m. today, and walked/jogged for 40 minutes. (3.02 mi) The moon was just gorgeous. 68 degrees. Nice. Ginny Mac only chased one rabbit. Good morning.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Holy Heatwave Batman!

Today I walked along A1A in Fort Pierce. The morning began with clouds and lots of rain, but by the time I took Bela to school, it was sunny! High around 80!

Loved walking along the ocean! 6.61 miles in 1 h 26 min

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Had a great 6.33 mile walk today with my Team in Training buddy, Wendie! It was pretty cold out there, but having someone to talk to really made the 1 h 35 m go by quickly!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My own 5K

Today my legs felt like they were stuck in cement. After 1.5 miles, I almost stopped then and there. But I didn't. 3.1 miles in 36 minutes. My Nike+GPS only timed me, did not record mileage.. but I know this route.

Felt good to run some. Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


20 miles a week is a lot. If I was a distance runner, maybe it would not seem so daunting. :)

I have been telling myself since accepting the 1000 mile challenge, that I would bike ride to make up miles that I miss.

I am still behind this week on my mileage.. but I will not give up. Getting up early on Monday to try to get 3 miles in.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Two - A - Days

After Story Hour today I walked from Riverside Park, over Barber Bridge and back. 3.36 miles

Baby it's cold outside!

Got up to do 3 miles this morning. It as 47 degrees. Layers and layers were put on, and I got it done! Behind this week. Debating on whether to bring my tennis shoes with me, so I can do another few miles today... :) Happy Friday!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

Woke up last night several times due to the rain storm we had in our area. Kind of half hoping it be raining when I woke up.. yes, to skip the walk/jog. But, it wasn't, so I got up, got dressed at 5:15 a.m.

Tried using RunKeeper today instead of Nike+GPS, but it would not work for me. I did a few minutes, and it said my pace was 32 min/mi. So switched back.

Did 1.56 miles this morning. Ginny Mac seemed very tired, so we cut out early and came home. I hope to squeeze in another mile or so later today.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Julie, meet interval training..

So today was the BIG day for me. I decided to get serious about interval training. I walked 1.5 miles first to warm up. Then did an additional 1.5 mi at a 2:2 ratio. The first two times were tough, but it is amazing how the experts are right.. your body really does adjust. :) 3.0 miles total today.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ok, I know..

So it has been nearly 11 months since my last post. But to be fair, I have been blogging on my other two blogs.

And I have been busy.. ok, enough excuses.

So since I have posted, I trained for another Half Marathon, and completed it in November 2010. Now I am training on my own for the Melbourne Half in February.

I am signing up with Tall Mom, promising a goal of doing 1000 miles in 2011!
I will be checking in weekly to give progress reports!

Thanks for reading.. and keep moving!